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Searching for Orienteering Games

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     This works best in a park with signs. Instead of controls, letters from signs, monuments, billboards, etc. are used. At the end of a set time limit, runners who make the most words using the correct control letters win. <> 


     This also works best in a park with lots of man-made objects. Pick a color theme (ie, red) but don't announce the color to runners. Indstead of controls, objects, signs, letters, etc that are red are used. See how long it takes runners to figure out the theme color. <> 


     Similiar to Color-O except instead of a certain color being used, shapes are used (ie, triangles, squares, etc). <> 


     Construct a 5 by 5 or a 6 by 6 maze and scatter the controls all over the park as fro a Score-O. Each control has attached to it a card showing "allowable movements" either in terms of control codes or a a control number. People must visit controls, accumulating allowable movement information and will, at some point, accumulate enough information to reveal the allowable sequence from start to finish. <> 


     Pin a playing card to a control. Don't use all 52 cards but use a lot of controls and treat the event like a Score-O. Within a certain amount of time, players get the best had they can - 30 to 40 minutes is common. Each competitor can only punch 5 boxes. Runners run around to the controls and try to remember what cards are at each control. Then go back and punch the best hand. <> 




     The next control is only shown at the control you are at. You can't write it down on your blank map. <> 


     Funny and different things happen at each control. One personor group is responsible for the control. Examples: have runners toss a hoop around a bottle before you can go on; have a boy scout troop make runners tie different kinds of knots; have a moving control dress up like something that is restrained to a certain area like 100 sq meters (the area is properly outlined on the map). <> 


     At the start, runners only have the first control printed on the map. They run there and find a map with 3 controls marked A), B), C). Together with the map there is a question. Example: Which is a Swedish car? A) Dodge B) Cadillac C) Volvo. In this case there is only a control at C) along with the next question. <> 


     Cut the map in pieces and glue it on a sheet of paper <> 


     In teams of two, one member of the team explains to the other how to find the control (but does not show him on the map). <> 


     You get a (photocopied) map with missing parts and you have to rely on your compass in the 'empty areas'. <> 




    Run the same course twice and stop your times. Analyze what you have learned. <> 


    Compare different routes for the same leg. <> 


    Have a map with e.g. only brown and green printed. <> 


    Like a rogaine, but with a 60 min. time limit.


    Like a Score-O, except that everyone gets a Bingo card. Bingo numbers are hung on the controls. Have a few hints on the control cards such as "Even" and "Odd" or which letter. <> 


    (Jon and Stephen Aptitude Test): Modeled after the SAT's. Hang multiple choice questions on each card of varying difficulty and value. With negative points for wrong answers. Creative choice of categories can help the less experienced orienteers (e.g. "Dr. Seuss"). <> 



    Like the children's board game, but with controls. <> 

       Time Score-O

    Score-O with very limited periods of time for controls. One would have to carefully plan/schedule the route to be at the desired point at the right time to get those points. <> 


    Patterned after the board game. It involves signs at controls, penalty/bonus cards at each control (sealed in envelopes), penalty controls, a penalty box and three big fuzzy dice. <> 

       Precision-O (or Line-O)

    Each control has a compass bearing (and maybe a distance to go) and participants have to travel along the heading looking for the next control <kingfish!> 


    Each control has a trivia question, usually about orienteering people, countries and other O-stuff. Choose from among 3 to 4 answers, with a map having three or four control points corresponding to the possible answers. The correct control will have the next question. <kingfish!> 



       Guess-O (or Luck-O)

     Same as Trivia-O without the questions. You have to guess the location of the proper control from the ones marked on the control's map. Only the correct one will have the location of the next group of guesses. This game is best done with a mass start. <kingfish!> 

       Clock-O (or Kite-O)

     The start/finish is a central point, with a circle of control sites around, usually 7-9. Runners are divided into teams of 2. Each team receives one control kite (or other marker) and a map with sites marked on it. Sites are numbered in different orders so visits won't occur at the same time (ie, sites A B C D E F and Sites F E D C B A). At the start, partner A sets off with the kite to site no. 1 and hangs the kite there. He returns with the map and partner B then goies to no. 1, collects the kite, moves it to no. 2 and returns. Partner A then moves 2 to 3 and so on. Winners are the first team to return to the finish with the CORRECT kite. <> 

       Grocery Store-O (or Price is Right-O)

     Like a score-O, except items from a local grocery store are hung at each control. People are told they have to spend as close to $XX.XX without going over, with the added problem that each had to "purchase" a randomly chosen item. <> 


     A number of controls are set in the forest like a normal score event. There is a time limit for competitors to get as many controls as possible and get back to the start. Everyone has a white control card except vampires who have a different color, ie, 25 people and 3 vampires. Everyone except vampires starts in a mass and then the vampires start 2-3 minutes later. If a vampire touches a normal competitor they change control cards and the vampire becomes a normal competitor with the points already on that card. The new vampire then tries to touch someone else and so on. Variations can be some people having "holy water", a 1/4 filled water baloon which can be thrown at a vampire to protect yourself. "Chains of garlic" are another variation. This is a paper chain which totally protects the wearer from vampires. They are hard to maintain while running in the forest, especially if they are long. <> 

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